Keller Williams Luxury

Keller Williams Luxury

  • Larose Team
  • 03/1/21

The Larose Team is excited to announce our affiliation with Keller Williams Luxury International. This represents a new division for our business which will focus on selling Luxury properties in West Toronto and Mississauga.

According to The Toronto Real Estate Board, there was a 38% increase in home sales over 2 million in 2020 over the previous year and the pandemic has created a perfect environment for the soaring luxury market.

Hosting the world’s largest agent network, Keller Williams Luxury agents stand in a class of their own with a 33.5 billion dollar market share in North America in 2020. In a culture of excellence, we view luxury as simply a state of exceptional comfort.

From condos to estate homes, there is a large percentage of Luxury real estate here in South Mississauga and these homes need a world class experience for both the seller and buyer.

When it comes to choosing the right agent to market and sell your luxury property, look to the local market expert with over 21 years of experience and connections to get you results worth talking about.

Contact us 905 278-7355 | [email protected]

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